Zoom Online Guidelines
As we continue to adapt to our “new normal” worship experience, it is imperative we come together with a mind to worship and maintain the same level of integrity and regard. Although we are not in the actual church building, we are all expected to attend as if the meeting and or service is face-to-face.
We realize attending services and meeting remote/online is a new experience for many. Therefore, we have prepared a guideline to assist you preparing for worship.
Wake up Early: It is tempting to sleep in late or join while in bed. However, the pastor and others are expecting you to join as if you are sitting in the church.
Attire: Taking the time to dress up for service or a meeting will help create the atmosphere of face-to face interactions. It helps you feel good, and helps you feel connected to the meeting and or service during this time of quarantine.
Think about your background: Give some thought to your environment You don’t want to become a distraction. Find a quite area with a plain and pleasant background. Adjust your lighting to make sure there is not glares, shadows, or blinding bright lights, or extremely dark rooms.
Mute your microphone: When joining the meeting or services, you should immediately place your phone and computer on MUTE. Loud noises, side conversations, loud background music are all distracting and may ruin the worship experience for others. Zoom has a “Mute Microphone” option that cuts down on ambient feedback for the audience.
Maintain eye contact by looking into the camera: If you are participating in service or a meeting, keep your focus on the camera. You want everyone to focus on your contribution to the service/meeting as opposed to the top of your head.
Speak clearly: If you are participating in the service, check the audio on your computer or mobile device at least 30 minutes prior to worship. If you are reading the scripture or an announcement, read the information prior to your meeting or the service to ensure you that everyone can hear and understand you.
Think about your actions on camera: Always remember that everyone can see you. Someone is watching as you take a big, wide-mouth yawn, stretch, or wander around the room. These exaggerated movements are distractions. You are in service and should conduct yourself accordingly.
Don’t interrupt speakers: Don’t Unmute your phone without being prompted by the pastor. Although we are seeking to create a “live” experience, we cannot all speak at the same time or have a call and response experience via Zoom. Please use the chat feature to express your feedback, encouragement, or “Amen”.
Don’t leave children unattended: Please make sure there is a parent attending Zoom service or meeting with any child under the age of 18. All children are to be properly dressed and sitting in a neutral
area. Children should not join any meetings or services without adult supervision, should be dressed appropriately, and not in their bedroom.